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Friends of the Salzburg Festival

Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Out of love for the Salzburg Festival
The Association of Friends of the Salzburg Festival was founded in 1961 by the Festival’s then president, Bernhard Paumgartner, who wanted to forge a closer link between, on the one hand, Salzburg and its Festival and, on the other, visitors from all over the world and in that way build up a regular audience.

One of the largest organizations in sponsoring the arts

What was initially a small group of enthusiasts has grown in the meantime into one of the largest organizations that is involved in sponsoring the arts. In total the Association now numbers around 6,600 Friends from some sixty countries in seven different membership categories.

Promote the Salzburg Festival

“The Friends are faithful friends, always ready to support the Salzburg Festival whenever they are needed,” says Heinrich Spängler, who has been the president of the Friends of the Salzburg Festival since 1999. The Association’s aim is to promote the thinking behind the Salzburg Festival and to provide the Festival with practical and conceptual support.

Ideas of the Salzburg Festival

The Friends have been supporting this unique Festival for more than sixty years not just financially but through their ideas as well, helping to introduce the thinking behind the Festival to a wider world by focusing on all that people of different backgrounds have in common and by highlighting the notion of reconciliation and peace. These ideas are just as important today as they were when the Festival was founded in 1920.

Part of a community

As a Friend you are part of a community that has been growing over the course of several decades and that includes multiple benefits. Throughout the year the Association keeps its members apprised of developments with its Friends’ Magazine, which is published three times a year, and each summer it offers an extensive and exclusive summer programme, when you can meet some of the Festival’s artists, attend introductory talks and take part in guided tours. Depending on your type of membership, you may also enjoy additional benefits.

We look forward to welcoming you into our circle as a Friend of the Salzburg Festival. Please click here for further information on membership.
Most important private donor

The Friends are the Festival’s most important private donor and, as such, one of its principal pillars in terms of its financial foundations. Membership fees support the Salzburg Festival both in the form of an annual grant, thereby contributing directly to Festival productions, and through the Friends’ yearly support for special projects such as the Festival’s opening party and the “Festival Ticket = Bus Ticket” initiative. Each year the Friends’ contribution makes up around 5 % of the Festival’s budget, making the Association its single biggest sponsor.

Support for special projects

In addition to its grants towards the cost of mounting the Festival programme and its support for special projects, the Association regularly raises funds for building projects and for special acquisitions. Over the years, the Friends of the Salzburg Festival have contributed to countless projects, including 3.5 million euros for the cost of the Haus für Mozart, 3.2 million for a new roof for the Felsenreitschule, 250,000 euros for the renovation of the fly tower in the Haus für Mozart, 177,000 euros for the Felsenreitschule stage and 130,000 euros for the refurbishment of the artists’ and musicians’ dressing rooms. A further donation of 147,000 euros made it possible to purchase a new concert grand, while the sum of 115,000 euros was used to equip the opera musicians’ stands with LED lights, 250,000 euros to refurbish the Karl-Böhm-Saal, 200,000 euros to provide a new orchestra shell for the Großes Festspielhaus,
the new surtitling system in the Haus für Mozart with 62,000 euros, the equipment for the new Festival Archive with 90,000 euros and the new sound system in the Großes Festspielhaus with 98,000 euros.
The Friends are currently collecting donations for the new intercom system backstage in the Großes Festspielhaus.
Friends’ Membership
We are delighted that you are interested in joining us. The following options are available:

Annual fee: EUR 30
  for two children (siblings): EUR 50
for three and more children (siblings): EUR 60

Your Young Friends membership fee, your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (1 person)
  invitation to selected rehearsals for patrons (1 person)
  priority allocation of the Salzburg Festival’s youth tickets

Online application

Annual fee: EUR 65 in Austria EUR 75 elsewhere in Europe EUR 90 overseas

Your subscription fee, your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)

Online application

Annual fee: EUR 200

Your membership fee, your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
  invitation to the rehearsal for Full Members (2 persons)
  ticket allocation within the range available to Full Members:
   Full Membership – only for private individuals living at a private address – does not mean that your request for tickets will be met as
   applications are processed according to the length of time that you have been a member. In the case of performances for which
   demand is unusually high, Patrons have priority.

Online application

Annual fee: EUR 700

We forward your patronage fee to the Salzburg Festival as a subsidy for the production programme. With your donation you thereby make a direct contribution to the realisation of a production and your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
  admission to events of the NXG Summer Programme (2 persons)
  invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (2 persons)
  priority ticket allocation
  access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 persons)
  Patron's gift
  access to the NXG community

Online application

Annual fee: EUR 1,500

We forward your patronage fee to the Salzburg Festival as a subsidy for the production programme. With your donation you thereby make a direct contribution to the realisation of a production and your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
  invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (2 Personen)
  priority ticket allocation
  access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 Personen)
  Patron's gift

Online application

Annual fee: EUR 12,500

Your Silver Club contribution is forwarded by us, without any deduction, to the Salzburg Festival as a programme subsidy and helps directly towards the realisation of a production. Your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. For this we are most grateful!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
  invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (4 persons)
  allocation of tickets from the Silver Club quota
  access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 Personen)
  Patron's gift
  invitation to the opening ceremony of the Salzburg Festival
  programme vouchers
  inclusion of name on the Salzburg Festival website (by request)

Silver Club membership is available only to private individuals.

Online application

Annual fee: EUR 50,000

Your Golden Club contribution is forwarded by us, without any deduction, to the Salzburg Festival as a programme subsidy and helps directly towards the realisation of a production. Your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. For this we are most grateful!

As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

  Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
  admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
  invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (6 persons)
  allocation of tickets from the Golden Club quota
  access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 Persons)
  Patron's gift
  invitation to the opening ceremony of the Salzburg Festival
  programme vouchers
  inclusion of name on the Salzburg Festival website (by request)
  seat reservation in the case of festival performances with free choice of seats
  exclusive guided tour “behind the scenes”

Golden Club membership is available only to private individuals.

Online application

Friends’ Media
(in German)

Friends’ Board Members
Heinrich Spängler

1. Vice President
Astrid Wimmer

2. Vice President
Claus Spruzina

Elisabeth Resmann

Carl Philipp Spängler

Members of the Salzburg Festival
Board of Directors
Kristina Hammer
Markus Hinterhäuser
Lukas Crepaz
Other members
Korbinian Birnbacher
Hans-Werner Jacob
Peter Kaserer
Alessandra Maria Kiener
Max von Moy
Thaddaeus Ropac
Karl Ludwig Vavrovsky

Advisory board
Bertrand Dermoncourt
Cornelia Gantner
Clemens Hellsberg
Manfred Rosenstatter
Siegbert Stronegger

Anna Daurer
Marcus Pechlaner
Friends’ Contact
Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Donations are tax-deductible in Austria
Mönchsberg 1
5020 Salzburg
accessed by lift from the Toscaninihof

Rafael Frauscher
Claudia Schmidt-Hahn

Anna-Maria Angerer-Pechlaner
fax +43 662 8045-474

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

during the Salzburg Festival:
Monday to Saturday
from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday and Holiday
from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Freunde der Salzburger Festspiele e.V. Bad Reichenhall
Donations are tax-deductible in Germany
by application to the office of the Friends in Salzburg

Salzburg Festival Society, Inc.
Donations are tax-deductible in the US
Joseph Bartning
c/o Kensico Properties
515 Madison Avenue, 41st Floor
New York, NY 10022, USA
fax +1 212 355-5677

Swiss Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Donations are tax-deductible in Switzerland
Anna-Christine Straub

Les Amis Français du Festival de Salzbourg
Donations are tax-deductible in France
Bertrand Dermoncourt
29-31, Rue Raynouard
75016 Paris, France
Friends of the Salzburg Festival

Media owner:
Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Mönchsberg 1
5020 Salzburg

Rafael Frauscher

Realization, Webmaster, Content support:
Gondwana Advertising, Abtenau

Photo start page and image sections: © David Hahn
Photo Heinrich Spängler: © Richard Schabetsberger
Print icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Protecting your personal data is a matter we take very seriously. We process your personal data in accordance with the legal regulations on data protection and this data protection notice.

1. Name and contact details of person responsible for data processing

This data protection information applies to data processing by:

Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Rafael Frauscher
Mönchsberg 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Phone: +43 662 8045-284, Fax: +43 662 8045-474
E-Mail: office@festspielfreunde.at

2. Capture and storage of personal data and method and purpose of its use

By visiting our website www.festspielfreunde.at (as well as www.festspielfreunde.com, www.festivalfriends.at, www.festivalfriends.com, www.jungefreunde.at) information will automatically be sent to our website’s server by the browser used by your device. This information will be stored temporarily in a so-called logfile. The following information will be captured without your assistance and stored until it is automatically deleted:

  • IP-address of the computer making the request,
  • date and time of access,
  • name and URL of the data that has been accessed,
  • website from which access has been made (referrer URL),
  • browser used and, where applicable, the operating system of your computer plus the name of your access provider.

  • The data specified above will be processed by us for the following purposes:

  • to guarantee a smooth connection to the website,
  • to guarantee a smooth connection to the website,
  • to evaluate the security and stability of our system and
  • for other administrative purposes.

  • The legal basis for processing this data is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. f of the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation). Our legitimate interest follows from data capture for the purposes listed above. Under no circumstances will we use the data captured for the purpose of drawing any conclusions regarding your person.

    In order to complete memberships and their related activities and our events for subscribers, members, patrons and Silver and Golden Club members under Membership and during the summer under Summer programme we will capture and process the following data:

  • your first name and surname
  • academic degree
  • date of birth
  • profession
  • a valid e-mail address and telephone number (landline or mobile) and fax number
  • address

  • The capture of this data is conducted to complete the contractual relationship under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. b of the DSGVO. The personal data we have captured for the purposes of this contractual relationship will only be passed on to the Salzburg Festival. It will be stored until your membership ends and then deleted, unless we are obliged to store it for longer under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. c of the DSGVO as a result of an obligation to store and document transactions due of tax or trade law (and HGB, StGB or AO) or you have consented to lengthier storage under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. a of the DSGVO.

    3. Transfer of data

    Any transfer of your personal data is restricted to the Salzburg Festival only, there will be no transfer to third parties except for the purposes specified below.

    We will only pass your data on to third parties if:

  • you have given your explicit consent under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. a of the DSGVO,
  • the transfer is required under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. f of the DSGVO to exercise, pursue or defend a legal claim and
  •      there is no reason to assume that you have any interest in your data not being transferred that outweighs this and requires
  • in the event that transfer under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. c of the DSGVO is a legal obligation, or this is legally permitted
  •      and is required to complete the contractual relationship with you under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. b of the DSGVO.

    4. Cookies

    Our website uses HTTP cookies to store user-specific data.

    A cookie is a small data package which is exchanged between the web browser and web server that has no meaning for either of these and which only becomes significant for a web application, e.g. an online shop, for example to denote the contents of a virtual shopping basket.
    There are two kinds of cookies: first-party cookies are produced by our website, third-party cookies are produced by other websites (e.g. Google Analytics).
    It is also possible to distinguish between three categories of cookies: essential cookies required to safeguard the website’s basic functions, functional cookies to safeguard the website’s performance and targeted cookies designed to improve the user experience. We use cookies in order to make our website more user-friendly. Some cookies will remain saved on your device until you delete them. They enable us to recognize your browser the next time you visit us.

    To see cookie settings and delete cookies

    If you wish to determine which cookies have been saved in your browser, change your cookie settings or delete cookies, you can find this in your browser settings:

    Safari: administer cookies and website data with Safari –
    Firefox: delete cookies to remove data that websites have deposited on your computer –
    Chrome: to delete, activate and administer cookies in Chrome –
    Internet Explorer: to delete and administer cookies –
    Edge: to delete cookies –

    If you do not want data to be saved in cookies, you can set your browser to inform you about the placement of cookies and only permit this in individual cases. You can delete cookies that are already on your computer or deactivate cookies at any time. The procedure required to do this varies for each browser: the best thing is to search Google for instructions using the search term “delete cookies Chrome” or “deactivate cookies Chrome” if you are using a Chrome browser or exchange the word “Chrome” for the name of the browser you are using, e.g. Edge, Firefox, Safari.

    If you do not permit us to use cookies at all, i.e deactivate these in your browser settings, some functions and pages may not work as expected.

    5. Your rights

    You have the right:

  • to demand information about your personal data held by us in accordance with Article 15 of the DSGVO. In particular you can
  •      demand information about the purposes of processing, the category of personal data, the category of recipients to whom your data
         has been or will be revealed, the period of time for which it will be saved, the existence of a right to be informed, to delete,
         restrict or cancel its processing, the existence of a right to make a complaint, the origin of your data in cases when it was
         not captured by us, and the existence of any automated decision-making including profiling and, where applicable, any significant
         information about the details of this;
  • to demand the immediate correction or completion of any of your personal data that we have saved incorrectly in accordance
  •      with Article 16 of the DSGVO;
  • to demand the deletion of your personal data that we have saved in accordance with Article 17 of the DSGVO, provided its
  •      processing is not necessary to the exercise of a right to free expression and information, to fulfil a legal obligation, on the
         grounds of public interest or to exercise, pursue or defend any legal claim;
  • to demand that the processing of your personal data be restricted in accordance with Article 18 of the DSGVO, in cases where
  •      you dispute that this data is correct, processing is unlawful, you cancel its deletion and we no longer require the data but you
         require it to exercise, pursue or defend a legal claim or where you have issued an objection to its processing in accordance with
         Article 21 of the DSGVO;
  • to demand to receive the personal information you have made available to us in a structured, accessible, machine-readable
  •      format or for it to be forwarded to another responsible person in accordance with Article 20 of the DSGVO;
  • to cancel at any time the consent you have previously given in accordance with Article 7 Paragraph 3 of the DSGVO. As a
  •      consequence of this we will not be allowed to continue the data processing that was based on your consent in future, and
  • to issue a complaint to a supervisory authority in accordance with Article 77 of the DSGVO. This can usually be done through
  •      the supervisory authority of your habitual place of residence or place of work.

    6. Right of cancellation

    If your personal data has been processed on the basis of legitimate interest in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. f of the DSGVO, you have the right in accordance with Article 21 of the DSGVO to cancel the processing of your personal data provided that reasons can be shown that arise from your special circumstances or the cancellation is directed against direct advertising. In the latter case you have a comprehensive right to cancel that we will apply without having to specify a special circumstance. If you wish to make use of your right to revoke or cancel your permission, all you need to do is send an e-mail to office@festspielfreunde.at.

    7. Data security

    Within our website we use the widespread SSL (Secure Socket Layer) procedure in combination with the highest available level of encryption supported by your browser. This is usually 256 bit encryption. If your browser does not support 256 bit encryption, we will use 128 bit v3 technology instead. You can recognize whether an individual page of our website has been sent in encrypted form when your browser displays an icon showing a key or closed lock.

    We also make use of appropriate technical and security measures to protect your data against accidental or deliberate manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction or unauthorised access by third parties. Our security measures are continually improved to keep pace with technological developments.

    Friends of the Salzburg Festival
    © 2000-2025 Friends of the Salzburg Festival
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