The Friends are the Festival’s most important private donor and, as such, one of its principal pillars in terms of its financial foundations. Membership fees support the Salzburg Festival both in the form of an annual grant, thereby contributing directly to Festival productions, and through the Friends’ yearly support for special projects such as the Festival’s opening party and the “Festival Ticket = Bus Ticket” initiative. Each year the Friends’ contribution makes up around 5 % of the Festival’s budget, making the Association its single biggest sponsor.

In addition to its grants towards the cost of mounting the Festival programme and its support for special projects, the Association regularly raises funds for building projects and for special acquisitions. Over the years, the Friends of the Salzburg Festival have contributed to countless projects, including 3.5 million euros for the cost of the Haus für Mozart, 3.2 million for a new roof for the Felsenreitschule, 250,000 euros for the renovation of the fly tower in the Haus für Mozart, 177,000 euros for the Felsenreitschule stage and 130,000 euros for the refurbishment of the artists’ and musicians’ dressing rooms. A further donation of 147,000 euros made it possible to purchase a new concert grand, while the sum of 115,000 euros was used to equip the opera musicians’ stands with LED lights, 250,000 euros to refurbish the Karl-Böhm-Saal, 200,000 euros to provide a new orchestra shell for the Großes Festspielhaus, the new surtitling system in the Haus für Mozart with 62,000 euros, the equipment for the new Festival Archive with 90,000 euros and the new sound system in the Großes Festspielhaus with 98,000 euros.
Annual fee: | EUR 30 |
for two children (siblings): EUR 50 for three and more children (siblings): EUR 60 |
Your Young Friends membership fee, your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:
Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (1 person)
invitation to selected rehearsals for patrons (1 person)
priority allocation of the Salzburg Festival’s youth tickets

Annual fee: EUR 65 in Austria • EUR 75 elsewhere in Europe • EUR 90 overseas
Your subscription fee, your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:
Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)

Annual fee: EUR 200
Your membership fee, your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:
Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
invitation to the rehearsal for Full Members (2 persons)
ticket allocation within the range available to Full Members:
Full Membership – only for private individuals living at a private address – does not mean that your request for tickets will be met as
applications are processed according to the length of time that you have been a member. In the case of performances for which
demand is unusually high, Patrons have priority.

Annual fee: EUR 700
We forward your patronage fee to the Salzburg Festival as a subsidy for the production programme. With your donation you thereby make a direct contribution to the realisation of a production and your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:

Annual fee: EUR 1,500
We forward your patronage fee to the Salzburg Festival as a subsidy for the production programme. With your donation you thereby make a direct contribution to the realisation of a production and your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. We should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:
Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (2 Personen)
priority ticket allocation
access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 Personen)
Patron's gift

Annual fee: EUR 12,500
Your Silver Club contribution is forwarded by us, without any deduction, to the Salzburg Festival as a programme subsidy and helps directly towards the realisation of a production. Your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. For this we are most grateful!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:
Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (4 persons)
allocation of tickets from the Silver Club quota
access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 Personen)
Patron's gift
invitation to the opening ceremony of the Salzburg Festival
programme vouchers
inclusion of name on the Salzburg Festival website (by request)
Silver Club membership is available only to private individuals.

Annual fee: EUR 50,000
Your Golden Club contribution is forwarded by us, without any deduction, to the Salzburg Festival as a programme subsidy and helps directly towards the realisation of a production. Your support is of inestimable value for the Salzburg Festival. Your loyalty and solidarity with the aims and ideals of our association and the Salzburg Festival play a large part in the success of this unique festival. For this we are most grateful!
As a token of our gratitude you will receive:
Friends’ Magazine (3 times a year)
admission to events of the Friends’ Summer Programme depending on the availability of seats (2 persons)
invitation to selected rehearsals for Patrons (6 persons)
allocation of tickets from the Golden Club quota
access to the Patrons’ Lounge in the Grosses Festspielhaus (4 Persons)
Patron's gift
invitation to the opening ceremony of the Salzburg Festival
programme vouchers
inclusion of name on the Salzburg Festival website (by request)
seat reservation in the case of festival performances with free choice of seats
exclusive guided tour “behind the scenes”
Golden Club membership is available only to private individuals.
Cornelia Gantner

Media owner:
Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Mönchsberg 1
5020 Salzburg
Rafael Frauscher
Realization, Webmaster, Content support:
Gondwana Advertising, Abtenau
Photo start page and image sections: © David Hahn
Photo Heinrich Spängler: © Richard Schabetsberger
Print icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
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1. Name and contact details of person responsible for data processing
This data protection information applies to data processing by:
Friends of the Salzburg Festival
Rafael Frauscher
Mönchsberg 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Phone: +43 662 8045-284, Fax: +43 662 8045-474
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In order to complete memberships and their related activities and our events for subscribers, members, patrons and Silver and Golden Club members under Membership and during the summer under Summer programme we will capture and process the following data:
The capture of this data is conducted to complete the contractual relationship under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. b of the DSGVO. The personal data we have captured for the purposes of this contractual relationship will only be passed on to the Salzburg Festival. It will be stored until your membership ends and then deleted, unless we are obliged to store it for longer under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. c of the DSGVO as a result of an obligation to store and document transactions due of tax or trade law (and HGB, StGB or AO) or you have consented to lengthier storage under Article 6 Paragraph 1 Section 1 lit. a of the DSGVO.
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